2002 Men’s Special Issue

Pattern #1

Page 77

15 sts and 21 rows = 4″/10cm over St st foll chart using larger needles.

Pattern #2, Cabled Pullover

Row 3: k2, [p2, k3, p2, *k2*] 9 times, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k2, [p2,k3,p2,k2] 3 times.

Pattern #4

Rows 9 and 39: the first and third cables should be 5 st LC. 
Row 13: Sts 3-10 of both the first part of the chart, and within the 16 st rep should both be 8 st -RC.

Pattern #8, Cabled Cardigan

photo on page 43, instructions on page 83
Updated: 18Feb2014 

Corrections are underlined.

Under Pocket Lining, Beg Chart Pat
Row 1 (RS) Beg with st 17 (13, 9), work to end of chart rep, then work 16-st rep 2 (2, 1) times, then work first 6 (2, 14) sts of rep once more, end with st 8 (4, 16) of chart.

Bind off rem 64 sts for back neck.

Pattern #13, Cabled Crewneck

Instructions begin on page 89.

Updated: 19Apr2017

A corrected chart has been posted. [PDF 31KB]

Correction is underlined.

Neckband, 2nd line should read:
…pick up and k 80 sts evenly around neck edge.

Pattern #28, Blue Horizons

Picture on page 64, instructions begin on page 100.

Updated: 25Feb2013

Missing collar instructions. 

Sew shoulder seams.
With circular needle and RS facing, beg at right front neck opening work 7 sts from right holder, pick up and k 20 (21, 22) sts along right front neck opening, pick up and k 22 (24, 26) sts along back neck, pick up and k 20 (21, 22) sts along left front neck edge, work 7 sts from left holder—76 (80, 84) sts.
Set-up row (WS) P5, *[k1, p1] 3 (4, 4) times, k1, p4 (for cable); rep from * once more, **[k1, p1] 4 (3, 4] times, k1, p4 (for cable); rep from ** once more, ***[k1, p1] 3 (4, 4) times, k1, p4 (for cable); rep from *** once more, p1.
Cont to work 2-st RT and 2-st LT (for 4-st cable) every 4th row as established on sts from left front holder work in k1, p1 rib and cables as established in set-up row for 7 rows more.
Next row (WS) Work p1, k1 across row, working [p2tog] twice for each 4-st cable.
Bind off.
Block pieces to measurements and complete as written.

Pattern #31

Page 102
Beg pats
Next row (RS) should read:
K1 (selvage st), beg and end with k2 (k5, p0, k3), work cable pat…