Fall 2006

Pattern #1, Cabled Fair Isle Cardigan

Photo on pages 72 & 73,  instructions begin on page 110.
Updated 21Sept2012

Correction is underlined.

With larger needles, cast on……
Next (dec) row (RS) Work p2tog at end of the 2(3) rem center cable panels – 135(168) sts. Work 1 row even Piece measures approx 14(14.5)”/35.5(37)cm from beg. Change to smaller needles and cont in pats as established……

2. A corrected chart has been posted. Download chart [PDF 23KB]

Pattern #7, Puff Sleeve Pullover

photo on page 79, instructions on page 116
Updated: 21Jul2009 

One-eighth yd/0.15m lining fabric is needed for sleeve cap supports.

Pattern #8, Arched Shaped Stockings

photo on page 80, instructions begin on page 117 

Replace entire pattern

Two-Color Arch-Shaped Stockings designed by Meg Swansen. Sized in one size and shown on page 80.

• 13.5″/34.5cm from cuff to heel
• Approx 7.5″/19cm from beginning of arch-shaping to toe

• 1 3.5oz/100g skein (approx 360yd/329m) of Schoolhouse Press, Satakieli (wool) each in #894 hunter green (A) and #3 cream (B)
• One set (5) dpn size 3 (3.25mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

28 sts and 28 rnds = 4″/10cm over chart pat using size 3 (3.25mm) needles. TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE.


With A, cast on 80 sts. Divide sts evenly over 4 needles. Join, taking care not to twist sts. Place marker for end of rnd and sl marker every rnd. Work 1 rnd in k1, p1 rib.

Next rnd *P1 A, k1 B; rep from * around.

Rep this rnd 5 times more, redividing sts on needles as foll: 23 sts on Needle 1; 17 sts on Needle 2; 23 sts on Needle 3; 17 sts on Needle 4.

Begin chart

Next rnd Needle 1: *K1 A, k1 B; rep from * to end of needle; Needle 2: work rnd 1 of chart pat to end of needle; Needle 3: *k1 A, k1 B; rep from * to end of needle; Needle 4: work rnd 1 of chart pat to end of needle.

(Note: work rows 1–24 of chart once, then cont to rep rows 5–24 for pat.) Cont in pats as established until piece measures 6.5″/16.5cm from beg.

Dec rnd Needle 1: Ssk, work to last 2 sts, k2tog; Needle 2: work even; Needle 3: ssk, work to last 2 sts, k2tog; Needle 4: work even. Rep dec rnd every 7 rnds 5 times more = 56 ankle sts. Work even until piece measures 13.5″/34.5cm from beg, or desired length to heel.

Heel flap

Next row (RS) Work 7 sts on Needle 1 and slip them to Needle 4, work rem 4 sts from Needle 1, 17 sts from Needle 2, and first 4 sts from Needle 3 – 25 sts on the needle. Work back and forth on these 25 sts only in pats as established for 3″/7.5cm.

Turn heel

Turn heel on 11 sts as follows:

Row 1 Work 18 sts, ssk, turn. Row 2 Slip 1, work 9 sts, p2tog, turn. Row 3 Sl 1, work 9 sts, ssk, turn. Row 4 Slip 1, work 9 sts, p2tog, turn. Rep rows 3 and 4 until all 7 sts on both sides of center 11 sts have been worked – 11 sts rem.
Next rnd (RS) Turn the work sideways and pick up and k 15 sts from side of heel flap, work across the 31 instep sts(sts not worked in heel) and pick up and k 15 sts along other side of heel flap—72 sts. Redistribute sts evenly over 4 needles.

(Note: Keep center 17 sts of instep in chart pat and rem sts in 2-color pat up to the toe shaping.)

Dec rnd Work to 1 st before last picked up st at side of heel, *k2tog (that is the last picked up st tog with the first instep st), work across instep sts, ssk (being last instep stitch tog with first picked-up st). Work 1 rnd even. Rep last 2 rnds until there are 58 sts (or desired foot circumference), AT THE SAME TIME, about 5 rnds after heel turn, at the underfoot, establish arch shaping as foll: mark center st of heel. Work to 5 sts before marker, k2tog, work 3 sts, M1, k1 B (center st), M1, work 3 sts, ssk. Work 1 rnd even. Rep these 2 rnds until decreases curve around the sides of the foot and bump into the motif running down the top of the instep. Discontinue all shaping and work even until 2″/5cm less than desired foot length if necessary.

Toe shaping

Place a marker each side of center chart pat. Next rnd Work to 3 sts before marker, k2tog, k1 A, [k1 B, k1 A] 9 times, ssk, work to end of rnd. Rep last rnd until 20 sts rem. Weave sts tog.

Pattern #10, Ripple Weave Socks

Photo on page 82, instructions on page 119. 
Updated: 21May2013

Corrections are underlined.

Chart rnd 3 should read (from right to left) as foll:
(affected portion is underlined)

Rnd 3 P2tog, [k1tbl, p1] 3 times, k1tbl, yo, k1 tbl, yo, p1, k1tbl.

Pattern #15, Scandinavian Socks

photo on page 85, instructions begin on page 124

Correction is underlined.


40 sts and 48 rnds = 4″/10cm over St st using size 1(2.25mm) needles.

Pattern #16, Cabled Tunic

photo on pages 86 and 87, instructions begin on page 125 

Corrections are underlined.


2-st LC (fourth definition from top) Should be 2-st LPC.

See following:

2-st LPC Sl 1 to cn and hold to front, p1, k1 tbl from cn.


With smaller needles…..p1tbl, k1—75 sts. Change to larger needles.


Stitch key

St box with twisted st (second from top, first column of boxes) should read:

K tbl on RS, p tbl on WS.

Pattern #19, Cabled Cardigan

photo on page 89, instructions begin on page 129 

Corrections are underlined.

5-st RC should be 5-st RPC
5-st LC should be 5-st LPC

Row 13 the symbol should be 5-st LPC
With RS facing and circular needle…..138 sts.
Next row(WS) P2, *k2, p2; rep from * to end.
Next row(RS) Rib 33, turn.
Next row(WS) Sl 1, rib to end.
Next row(RS) Rib 38, turn.
Next row(WS) Sl 1, rib to end.
Next row(RS) Rib 43, turn.
Next row(WS) Sl 1, rib to end. Cont in this way to work 5 more sts at the end of every RS row, and slip the first st on every WS row and work the new sts into k2, p2 rib, 7 times more – 78 sts. On the next RS row….., end with a RS row.

Next row (WS) Bind off 60 sts, work to end – 78 sts……then bind off in rib.

With RS facing……Next row(WS) Rib 38 sts. Turn.

Next row (RS) Sl 1, rib to end. Cont in this way to work 5 more sts in rib at end of WS rows 8 times more – 78 sts on RH needle……

Pattern #24, Buttoned Turtle

photo on page 94, instructions begin on page 134 

Corrections are underlined.


Neck shaping

Next row (RS) With MC, k21(23, 25, 28), with CC, k2, join another ball of CC………..

Pattern #26, Cable Trim Pullover

photo on page 96, instructions begin on page 135 
Updated: 06Oct2010

Correction is underlined.

1. St number given for largest size is incorrect; see correction below.


Separate for V-neck

Next row (RS) K 51 (54, 57, 62) sts…….

6-st CR-dec 2 Sl 4 sts to cn and hold to back, then [k1 st from right end of cn tog with next st from LH needle] twice, k last 2 sts from cn.

Pattern #31, Cabled Cardigan

photo on page 101, instructions begin on page 141 

Correction is underlined.


With smaller needles……across the last WS row—53 (56, 59, 62, 66, 70) sts. Change to larger needles and work even until pieces measures 18″/45.5cm from beg.

Pattern #32, Diamond Coat

photo on page 102, instructions begin on page 142 

Correction to Stitch Key on page 143:

Labels for K2tog and Skp are reversed; symbols in charts are correct.

Left slanting symbol should be labeled SKP.

Right slanting symbol should be labeled K2tog.

Download corrected chart X-Small/Small – Back Side only, on page 143 [PDF 39KB]

Pattern #35, Tunic Vest

photo on page 105, instructions begin on page 146 

Corrections are underlined.


Work as for left front, reversing shaping.

Pattern #37, Short Sleeved Cowl

photo on page 107, instructions begin on page 147 

Correction is underlined.


6 (6, 7, 8, 9) 3.5oz skeins (each approx 109yd/100m) of Colinette/Unique Kolours Zanziba (wool/viscose/nylon) in velvet damson