Pattern #1, Fair Isle Ruana
Photo on pages 62 and 63, instructions begin on page 95.
Updated: 13Feb2017
In rows 35 and 36, and rows 40 and 41, the highlight color should be cinnamon (E), not avocado (F).
In rows 46-49 of the chart, the background color should be pine (A), not avocado (F).
A corrected chart is posted here. [PDF 304KB]
Pattern #3, Fair Isle Tubular Scarf
Photo on page 65, instructions begin on page 96.
Updated: 17Oct2016
A revised chart is posted here. Note that the pattern is an 8-st repeat over rows 39-43, work last 4 sts of round as shown following repeat line.
Pattern #10, Patchwork Cabled Vest
Photo on page 76, instructions begin on page 104.
Updated: 27Feb2017
A revised Chart 4 is posted here, showing garter stitch across rows 5 and 7.
A revised Chart 5 is posted here.
Pattern #12, Textured Wristers
Photo on page 79, instructions begin on page 107.
Updated: 15Nov2022
1. Correction is underlined.
1 2oz/55g hank (each approx 200yd/183m) of Jade Sapphire Exotic Fibres Mongolian Cashmere 4-Ply.
2. Beg chart 3
Rnd 1 Work 8-st rep 6 times.
Cont in chart pat through **rnd 10.**
Pattern #13, Textured Long Cardigan
Photo on page 80, instructions begin on page 108.
Updated: 03Aug2018
Even numbers at left edge of Chart 2 should be shifted up one row.
Measurement to neck shaping on left side of Left Front schematic should be 18 ½”, not 22 ½”.
Pattern #15, Sampler Stitch Pullover
Photo on pages 82 and 83, instructions begin on page 110.
Updated: 13Feb2017
Corrected charts 2, 4 and 6 are posted here.
Correction is underlined.
Horizontal Ridge 2: omit ‘working chart 4 instead of chart 3’.
Back Left Side Panel, First Block
Set up row 1 (RS) Work as written—for chart 6 worked over 22 sts.
Pattern #16, Guernsey Pullover
Photo on page 84, instructions begin on page 112.
Updated: 07Apr2017
Yarn weight symbol should be a 3.
Corrections are underlined.
Front and Back
For larger size, cast on 118 sts, dec 2 sts on last k2, p2 rib row—116 sts.
Front Chart
The 2 nd to last stitch in rows 35, 36 and 40 should be k on RS, p on WS.
Under Beg Front Chart:
Cont to work front chart in this way through row 59. There are total of 71 sts at end of chart. Bind off on next WS row. (Disregard additional dec’s charted for row 60).
Back Chart
Row 61 should have an additional knit stitch at the beginning of the row, before the ssk. Row 62 should have one additional purl stitch at the end of the row (right edge of the chart).
Right Sleeve, Top of Cap Shaping
Row 5 K2, ssk, k2—5 sts.
Pattern #18, Curved Hem Pullover
Photo on page 86, instructions begin on page 116.
Updated: 03May2017
Corrections are underlined.
Additional markers are placed before short row shaping, as foll:
Using size 4 (3.5mm) circular needle, pick up and k 19 sts between the 2 markers at the shoulder edge, 27 (30, 32, 35) sts to the 9 (9, 11, 11) sts cast on at the underarm, place side marker, 4 (4, 5, 5) sts to the center underarm marker st, place beg of rnd marker, 5 (5, 6, 6) sts on the other half of the underarm, place side marker, 27 (30, 32, 35) sts up the other side of the armhole—82 (88, 94, 100) sts.
After ‘Next short row (RS)‘:
Rep this last short row until 7 sts rem before the side markers on each side.
After ‘Next dec short row (RS)‘:
Rep this dec short row until only 1 st rem each side of side markers on each side.
Last Dec Row K to previous wrapped st (removing side markers), k2tog tbl with next st, k4 (4, 5, 5).
Rnd 1 K4 (4, 5, 5), k2tog with final wrapped st, k to end of rnd.
With size 5 (3.75mm) circular needle, pick up…
Pattern #19, Textured Turtleneck
Photo on page 87, instructions begin on page 117.
Updated: 17Oct2016
Correction is underlined.
Check pattern
Row 2 K1, [p1, k2] 4 times, *p1, [sl 1 wyib, k1] 5 times, sl 1 wyib, [p1, k2] 4 times; rep from * to last 2 sts, end p1, k1.
Pattern #23, Sampler Scarf
Photo on page 92 and 93, instructions begin on page 121.
Updated: 17Oct2016
Correction is underlined.
Mesh Pattern
Row 4 *K1, sl 1 wyif; rep from *, end k2.