Holiday 2007

Pattern #1 Knitted Chair Cover

Photo on pgs 24 and 26, instructions on pg 100 

Some yarn colors and embroidery floss colors were omitted.
Please replace the yarn requirements with the following:

Halcyon Yarns Victorian 2-ply
3 hanks #134 black
1 hank each in the following #142 orange, #138 dark pink, #139 medium pink, #140 light pink, #124 lilac, #148 purple, #120 grape, #200 mustard, #133 dark green, #132 green

DMC Pearl Cotton #3
1 skein each
#208 very dark lavender, #550 very dark violet,
#703 chartreuse, #721 medium orange spice,
#777 very dark raspberry, #3705 dark melon

Pattern #7, Cable and Rib Vest

Photo on page 68, instructions begin on page 105 

Please replace the following lines from the instructions on page 105


Foundation row(WS)
P1, (sel st), [k1, p1] 1 (2, 3, 4) times, k1, *p4, [k1, p1] twice, k1; rep from * 4 times more, p4, [k1, p1] 1 (2, 3, 4) times, k1, p1.

Waist shaping
Change to smaller needles. 
Next row (RS) K1, [p1, k1] 2 (3, 4, 5] times, *p1, k2tog, [p1, k1] 3 times; rep from * 4 times more, p1, k2tog, [p1, k1] 2 (3, 4, 5) times.

Pattern #11, High Neck Pullover

Photo on page 71, instructions begin on page 109. 
Updated: 13Mar2017

1. Yarn used is Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sport in #4ns blackberry.

2. Corrections are underlined.

Row 19 Rep row 17, omitting inc’s each side—8 sts each side of markers.
Row 39 P3, work to last 3 sts as established, p3.
Row 42 K to new first marker, k2, p2… work to end as written.

Pattern #12, Puff Sleeve Cardigan

Photo on pages 72 and 73, instructions on page 110 

Corrections are underlined.

Yarn amounts are incorrect.
Please replace with the following:
9 (9, 10, 11) skeins of Zara
10 (11, 12, 12) skeins of No Smoking


1. Cast on and work the sleeves with larger needles.

2. Sleeve cuff
Fold pleat and pick up sts as directed with smaller needles.
Work in k1, p1 rib for 2½”/6.5 cm

Pattern #13, Mod Jacket

Photo on pg 74, instructions on pg 111

Corrections are underlined


Dec Row 3 (RS) Work 6 sts, double dec, work 25 (27, 29, 31) sts,…
Dec Row 4 (RS) Work 6 sts, double dec, work 22 (24, 26, 28) sts,…
Dec Row 5 (RS) Work 6 sts, double dec, work 19 (21, 23, 25) sts,…

Left cuff
Begin with a purl (purl, purl, knit) st and work in seed st for 6 rows, same as right cuff…….

Join Cuffs
Next row (WS) Work 18 (18, 20, 21) left cuff sts, beg with a purl st and cast on 6 sts,……

Work even until piece measures 12 (12, 12 ½, 13)”/30.5 (30.5, 32, 33)cm from beg.

Pattern #26, Asymmetrical Wrap

Photo on page 88, instructions on page 124 

Panel 2 is missing rows 62–103.
Please insert the following:

Rows 62–64 Purl.
Rows 65–79 Knit.
Rows 80–103 [P 3 rows, k3 rows] 4 times.
Rows 104–106 Knit.

Pattern #32, Lace Shawl

Photo on page 94, instructions begin on page 130. 

Updated: 12Mar2013

1. Yarn used is Jade Sapphire Exotic Fibers Lacy Lamb in #202 soft pink.

2. Correction is underlined.

After removing waste yarn and placing provisional cast-on sts on needle:
Rep Lace edge.

Pattern #33, Sparkle Tank

Photo on page 95, instructions on page 132 

When working with Soft Kid, use TWO strands held together throughout the pattern.