Symbolcraft is a universal form of knitting instructions. Instead of writing out a stitch pattern with words and abbreviations, symbols are used. Each symbol represents the stitch as it appears on the right side of the work. For example, the symbol for a knit stitch is a vertical line and the symbol for a purl stitch is a horizontal one. On right-side rows, work the stitches as they appear on the chart—knitting the vertical lines and purling the horizontal ones. When reading wrong-side rows, work the opposite of what is shown; that is, purl the vertical lines and knit the horizontal ones.Symbolcraft Chart
Selvage or edge stitch
st st: Stockinette stitch (knit on RS, purl on WS).
rev St st: Reverse stockinette stitch (purl on RS, knit on WS).
yo: Yarn over.
twisted St st: Knit stitch through back loop on RS; purl stitch through back loop on WS.
twisted rev St st: Purl stitch through back loop on RS; knit stitch through back loop on WS.
sl st knitwise: With yarn in back, slip stitch knitwise on RS; with yarn in front, slip stitch knitwise on WS.
sl st purlwise: With yarn in back, slip stitch purlwise on RS; with yarn in front, slip stitch purlwise on WS.
SKP: On RS, slip one stitch. Knit next stitch and pass slip stitch over knit stitch. On WS, slip next two stitches knitwise. Slip these two stitches back to left needle without twisting them and purl them together through the back loops.
ssk: On RS, slip next two stitches knitwise. Insert tip of left needle into fronts of these two stitches and knit them together. On WS, slip one stitch, purl one stitch, then pass slip stitch over purl stitch.
p2tog: On RS, purl two stitches together. k2tog: On WS, knit two stitches together.
p2tog tbl: On RS, purl two stitches together through the back loops. k2tog tbl: on WS, knit two stitches together through back loops.
k3tog: On RS, knit three stitches together. p3tog: On WS, purl three stitches together.
sl st purlwise (to create a float): With yarn in front, slip stitch purlwise on RS; with yarn in back, slip stitch purlwise on WS.
k1-b: Knit stitch in row below on RS; p1-b: purl stitch in row below on WS.
p1-b: Purl stitch in row below on RS; k1-b: knit stitch in row below on WS.
m1: Make one stitch as follows: On RS, insert left needle from front to back under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch on left needle. Knit this strand through the back loop. On WS, insert left needle from back to front under strand as before and purl it through back loop.
Make one stitch to form an eyelet as follows: On RS, insert left needle from front to back under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch on left needle. Knit this strand. On WS, insert left needle from back to front as before and purl it.
p3tog: On RS, purl three stitches together. k3tog: On WS, knit three stitches together.
sk2p: On RS, slip one stitch, knit two stitches together. Pass slipped stitch over two stitches knit together. On WS, slip two stitches to right needle as if knitting two together. Slip next stitch knitwise. Slip all stitches to left needle without twisting them. Purl these three stitches together through back loops.
k4tog: On RS, knit four stitches together. p4tog: On WS, purl four stitches together.
inc 1 st: Increase one stitch as follows: Knit in front then in back of stitch on RS; purl in back then in front on WS.
Increase one stitch to the right as follows: With right needle, pick up next stitch on left needle in row below. Place loop on left needle and knit it.
Increase one stitch to the left as follows: With left needle, pick up next stitch on right needle one row below and knit it.
Increase three stitches in two as follows: Insert right needle knitwise into next two stitches on left needle. Knit one, purl one, knit one. Drop loops off left needle.
k2tog: On RS, knit two stitches together. p2tog: On WS, purl two stitches together.
dot-knot stitch: Insert RH needle from front to back under horizontal strand between 1st and 2nd sts on LH needle, wrap yarn and draw through a loop loosely; insert RH needle between same sts above horizontal strand, draw through another loop loosely; bring yarn to front between needles and purl the first st on LH needle; with point of LH needle, pass the 1st loop over the 2nd loop and the purled st and off needle; pass the 2nd loop over the purled st and off needle.
peppercorn st: K next st, [sl st just knit back to LH needle and knit it again tbl] 3 times.
make bobble: [K1, p1] twice into next st, turn, p4, turn, k4, turn [p2tog] twice, turn, k2tog.
make bobble: [K1, p1, k1, p1, k1] in the same st, making 5 sts from one; then pass the 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st sts over last st made.
make bobble: [K1, p1] 3 times, k1 in one st (7 sts made), then pass 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th sts over last st made.